Selasa, 12 September 2017

Ernährungsexperten: optimale Gewicht nach unten nur 4 Kg in der Fastenmonat.

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Ernährungsexperten: optimale Gewicht nach unten nur 4 Kg in der Fastenmonat.


Jakarta, mit Ausnahme der Anbetung, Fasten Ramadan Umzug ist in der Tat kann auch helfen, Körper Diät-System verringern Sie arbeiten. Aber Vorsicht, laut Ernährungsexperten gibt es optimale Ernährung Gewicht während der Rückgang in der schnellen begrenzt. Professor Department der Ernährung Poltekkes II Jakarta, Rita Ramayulis, DCN, MKes, vermitteln, wenn der Gewichtsverlust ist in der Tat einfach einmal nach oben oder unten auf die Bln. das Fasten. Nun, laut Rita, für den Wunsch, das gute nicht Fasten, wenn die Dieter verlieren Gewicht mehr 4 kg. Wenn Kian mehr als 4 kg in beunruhigt über die Zukunft nach Bln. schnelle Badan Wirkung verleihen wie Verbrauch Anfang wiederherstellen wollen. So stellen einige Zellen waren so viel mehr abgestimmt, um die Lust zu essen, sagt Rita wenn Mittwoch kontaktiert und wurde DetikHealth geschrieben (07.02.2014). Rita erklärt, wenn einige Zellen so viel mehr Appetit abgestimmt wurden weil gibt es nicht mehr externe Argumente, dieser Befehl die Frage in Religion, bewegt sich die man Essen verbietet. Was, so kann es nur werden sich entfaltenden Appetit erhöht so viel. Also, He Mewanti-Wanti so dass jede Person, die erfolgreich gesenkt hat, sein Gewicht in die schnelle emotionale Essen einzurichten. Im Sinne der nicht in der Lage, so viel wie möglich zu essen, nur weil es keine Einschränkungen mehr, was hat um zu essen verboten. Allerdings ist er zuversichtlich, dass wenn sie eine gesunde Ernährung während der Fasten tun keinen sehr großen Appetit aber Bln haben wird. Fasten ist abgeschlossen. Der Grund hat die Agentur keine Gewohnheit der Hungernden während des Tages nicht mehr gehabt. Da direkt mit einem Monat wir nicht während des Tages essen, also wenn die späteren Zeitpunkt während des Tages nicht gefastet hat auch sollte Appetit wir nicht so toll, sagte er. (Ajg/bis)


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Rabu, 06 September 2017

Drinking warm water & Lemon in the morning Help Decrease body weight

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Drinking warm water & Lemon in the morning Help Decrease body weight


Jakarta, When wanting to lose weight body, try drinking a cup of warm water and the combination of lemon juice in the morning. Not just help boost metabolism, vitamin in the lemon will make You fresh during a long day. The nutrition expert and author of the book ' Fat Flush for Life ', Ann Louise Gittleman, referring to replace routine drinking coffee with one glass of warm water and lemon combination in the morning. This combined has many avail for the Agency, as well as to help lose weight, stay hydrated during the day, boost your metabolism and increase the consumption of vitamin C, such as written Livestrong on Tuesday (6/9/2011). Warm water and lemon is a combination primed to the morning. The water agency in order to help keep hydrated. The Agency would put more fat when you experience dehydration due to the kidneys require aid from the livers to serve in that State. This sort of thing could hinder the power of the heart to burn fat. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant. Beyond that, drinking lemon juice in the morning can stimulate digestion. This sort of thing in turn would increase the power of the body to absorb nutrients. The lack of uptake of nutrients can lead to You hungry fast, even when you are after the meal. According to Gittleman, lemon water can also clean the palate. In the body, lemon water also help to cleanse the kidneys with soft. Lemon helps cleanse the lymphatic system, and other system get rid of toxins from the body. Lemon can help reduce cellulite because this fruit can stimulate blood flow to the skin as well as help the body to dispose of the waste. Lemon also increase the power of your body to metabolize fat, bright Gittleman. Not just that, lemon juice also provide high amounts of vitamin C. According to U. S. Department of Agriculture, one lemon gives 30, 7 mg of vitamin C daily recommended amount of. i.e. 75 mg for women and 90 milligrams for men. People who consume more vitamin C has a digestive system more effective than persons not or slightly consume vitamin c. Lemon also increase the acidity of the digestive system, which helps you absorb calcium. Absorption of calcium helps lose body weight due to the calcium stored in fat cells. The more calcium in fat cells, so the more easily to stimulate fat burning it. Vitamin C also increase body immune system, helping to avoid coronary heart disease as well as lowering the risk of stroke, cataracts and uric acid. According to Oregon State University, this vitamin can is anti-oxidant which can help lower the risk of cancer when consumed through fresh fruits. (mer/ir)


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Jumat, 01 September 2017

Comparison of body weight of Babies BREAST MILK and Infant Formula Milk

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Comparison of body weight of Babies BREAST MILK and Infant Formula Milk


Jakarta, babies who get breast milk (BREAST MILK) exclusively with a baby get nutrition from milk formula have the weight of the body is not the same. Babies who get BREAST MILK exclusively leaning slimmer and healthier in a long period of time. Dr. Katherine Dewey from the University of California in th. Comparing the patterns of normal turnover 1992 babies give BREAST MILK with infant formula. The results obtained on most bln. first earned:


Baby BREAST MILK and infant formulas have the same turnover patterns on most bln. the first.

Age 4-6 bln., the baby in the natural increase in infant formulas give the weight of the body are leaning on the appeal of the ASI.

After 6 MTHS. First, babies who get BREAST MILK leaning leaner than formula milk.


Excellence body weight in infants who get formula predicted due to the prominence of water retention as well as the composition of body fat is not the same than BREAST MILK, said Dr. Katherine as written from the Mayo Clinic, Thursday (1/4/2010). Various research showed babies who consume BREAST MILK could set calorie consumption is equal to its needs semasing. This predicted strength so that babies BREAST MILK consumption argument is leaning less to have obesity problem in time to come. There are several basic to know if body weight of her baby has been up with normal or not if the consumption of BREAST MILK, i.e.: 1. Newborn till age 6 MTHS. natural turn, generally amounting to 1, 5-2, 5 cm per month. as well as the increase in body weight of 0, 5-1 kg semasing bln ... Want a baby to have a weight of 2 x folding with body weight diusia 6 MTHS time.. 2. Infants aged 6 MTHS. up to 1 years old., generally natural turnover of 1 cm as well as the increase in body weight in part 0, 5 kg semasing month. Desirable body weight infants have 3 times the body weight of baby birth diusia 1st. .. Except side food (BREAST MILK or infant formula), the increase in body weight can influence many things such as:


The genetic side, this kind of thing show the baby has a metabolic rate are not the same, which means the power to burn the calories are also not the same.

Baby's temperament, babies who enjoy or are leaning a bit mellow burn calories to body weight so much faster. The middle of an active baby is leaning more and more to burn calories would appear more slender.

Nursing frequency, how often the baby breast feeding also changed the turn of her body weight.
