Jumat, 01 September 2017

Comparison of body weight of Babies BREAST MILK and Infant Formula Milk

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Comparison of body weight of Babies BREAST MILK and Infant Formula Milk


Jakarta, babies who get breast milk (BREAST MILK) exclusively with a baby get nutrition from milk formula have the weight of the body is not the same. Babies who get BREAST MILK exclusively leaning slimmer and healthier in a long period of time. Dr. Katherine Dewey from the University of California in th. Comparing the patterns of normal turnover 1992 babies give BREAST MILK with infant formula. The results obtained on most bln. first earned:


Baby BREAST MILK and infant formulas have the same turnover patterns on most bln. the first.

Age 4-6 bln., the baby in the natural increase in infant formulas give the weight of the body are leaning on the appeal of the ASI.

After 6 MTHS. First, babies who get BREAST MILK leaning leaner than formula milk.


Excellence body weight in infants who get formula predicted due to the prominence of water retention as well as the composition of body fat is not the same than BREAST MILK, said Dr. Katherine as written from the Mayo Clinic, Thursday (1/4/2010). Various research showed babies who consume BREAST MILK could set calorie consumption is equal to its needs semasing. This predicted strength so that babies BREAST MILK consumption argument is leaning less to have obesity problem in time to come. There are several basic to know if body weight of her baby has been up with normal or not if the consumption of BREAST MILK, i.e.: 1. Newborn till age 6 MTHS. natural turn, generally amounting to 1, 5-2, 5 cm per month. as well as the increase in body weight of 0, 5-1 kg semasing bln ... Want a baby to have a weight of 2 x folding with body weight diusia 6 MTHS time.. 2. Infants aged 6 MTHS. up to 1 years old., generally natural turnover of 1 cm as well as the increase in body weight in part 0, 5 kg semasing month. Desirable body weight infants have 3 times the body weight of baby birth diusia 1st. .. Except side food (BREAST MILK or infant formula), the increase in body weight can influence many things such as:


The genetic side, this kind of thing show the baby has a metabolic rate are not the same, which means the power to burn the calories are also not the same.

Baby's temperament, babies who enjoy or are leaning a bit mellow burn calories to body weight so much faster. The middle of an active baby is leaning more and more to burn calories would appear more slender.

Nursing frequency, how often the baby breast feeding also changed the turn of her body weight.


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